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Or sign in with one of these services. Posted September 20, Posted September 20, it means that the max refresh rate for the panel is hz. Does anyone even use PCIe SSDs? Posted September 20, So if you connect a PC to it, you can change it to hz and it will display at hz from the PC? Posted September 20, yeah most TVs won't "actually" go over 60Hz when you hook it up to a computer and fiddle around with it. Posted September 20, What happens in "Hz" TVs or whatever, the TV analyzes each frame, then generates fake frames by calculating what a frame would look like in between each of the real frames. Usually you want to turn this feature off for games because those calculations cause noticeable input lag. Posted September 20, To get high refresh rate you should go a for a gaming grade TN monitor that is advertised for running at that frequency, like part of the benq XL series and a couple Asus monitors too. But you will get a TN panel with not as good colors, but you have to decide what you want. I prefer the smooth motion, fluid gameplay and just arthrography wallpapers full hd 60i more fun experience over the better colors any day AMD FX 3. Would you plan to get a TV if arthrography wallpapers full hd 60i going to be used as a computer monitor? Just get a proper monitor. Also I want to connect it to my PC, duplicate my main display on it and use the big TV for games not FPS so I can sit back and relax with a controller and movies. Posted September 20, Also I want to connect it to my PC, duplicate my main display on it and use the big TV for games not FPS so I can sit back and relax with a controller and movies. It's going to be used for freeview HD as-well though Oooooh, in that case, I can see the desire to want the tv.

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