Download Xbox 360 dead space cheats

<p>This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Dead Space for Xbox If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it. When you finish the game, look back at the chapter names. Pay close xbox 360 dead space cheats to the first letter of each chapter title. If you look at only the first letter of each title, the letters you get spell out "Nicole is dead. In mission 3, you are tasked to restart the Ishimura's engines. On your way to the engine room, there is a node locked door next to a set of malfunctioning, xbox 360 dead space cheats shutting doors. Do not take items from the node locked room, but unlock the door and use the kinesis module to move the items money, medikit, schematics, ammo out of the secret room and leave them anywhere on the ground. Use stasis to bypass the fast-closing doors and go to the end of the hallway to a save point outside the engine room. You do not need to save, just touch the save point. This gets you far enough from the node locked room to duplicate the items. Travel back to the node locked room past the fast closing doors and some of the items in the secret room will be there, as well as the ones you used kinesis to move out last time. This exploit stops working if you take xbox 360 dead space cheats of the items i. If you need more stasis to get by the door, use the "Restore Stasis Energy" code seen on this page. This exploit works elsewhere in Dead Space where you have preset items and can move far enough away to silent-stream in a new area or map. In Chapter 6, after fighting the final creature that spills the gas out, there is a dim, flashing sign just before the anti-grav area. This is a codex for some of the letters and all of the numbers in the alien language. Purchase the Contact Gun as soon as you can and its ammo will start appearing around the ship. If you can resist using it, just sell all of the ammo you collect for scores of credits -- 1, per unit! Playing Catch: Use Kinesis to grab xbox 360 dead space cheats of the pods the Leviathan or Brute throws at you.</p>

Dead Space Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox
Dead Space Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for Xbox - GameFAQs
Dead Space 2 Cheats, Xbox